1. Waterproof,non-stretch,ONE-TIME used.It's hard to sneak into. 2. Consecutively numbered—Can help you to know”HOW MUCH the tickets be sold? &Is the ACCOUNT RIGHT?” 3. The user may sell the AD to another company who want to advertise.
單色滿版 Solids
斜纹 Stripes
旋转 Revoive
跳舞 Under21
图腾 Tribal
骰子 Dice
印地安图腾 Indian Tribal
嘉年华会 Carnival
运动竞赛 Sports
阳光笑脸 Happyface
西洋棋盘 Checkerboard
星际 Cosmic
箭头 Arrows
海豚 Dolphins
溜冰 Skates
啤酒 Drinking Age
猫熊 Panda
星星 Stars
贵宾 VIP
海龟 Turtles
氣球 Balloons
催眠图 Hypnotic
长度11" 可用于抽奖励 保管物品 游乐场所托儿…. Detachable Stub Wristband only for 11"
用紫外线可照到隐形的图案 ,有防伪作用。可用于夜总会、俱乐部….进场灯光比较按的场所 Invisible Ink Wristband imprint is visible only under blacklight!
宽度是1" 可让客户自己打印所需资料。可用于医院、开会场所…. Pinfeed wristbands are 1 inch wide only and user may print on them himself using a dot-matrix printer.